In-Stock Sale FINALE~

Urethane Eyes In Stock

The final eyes of this sale are currently being added to the In Stock page. The sale is almost over, so if you see anything you like, grab it! :]

Thoughts on the sale, looking back:

The sale was a huge success and I thank everyone who participated by purchasing some eyes for their dolls! :D 

Unfortunately, I know many people missed the sale, or were unable to get the urethanes they wanted. I've been hearing requests for more of these:

  • - chrome/metallic pupils -- some of the eyes with chrome pupils, I almost didn't put them for sale because I thought nobody would want them ^^; I was completely wrong, because these eyes had by far the most people saying "you really need to make more of those!!" So, I will! I'm making more urethane eyes with chrome pupils, in every color.
  • - crystal eyes -- More urethanes with crystals inside have also been highly requested. Although genuine Swarovski crystals are really expensive, the eyes with these look AMAZING and are really fun to make, so definitely expect more.
  • - black sclera eyes -- considering how "weird" these are, they were more popular than I expected. I already have more under construction. People are telling me that it's quite difficult to find high quality black sclera eyes, so I'll try to help out in that area :D (12mm-SI-LD black sclera eyes are coming too!)
  • - I also got many requests to make more of lots of standard DollBakery colors. I added each one to my suggestions list, and will try to fit them into a future batch. One person's request is already under construction!

Mistakes or problems:

My main mistake was, I didn't expect so many eyes to sell so quickly -- so I didn't have all their individual boxes fully prepared. This caused delays, and some people's orders didn't ship for 3 or even 4 days. Although I had warned people that this might happen, it still made me uncomfortable that some of you had to wait! :S So I will try to ship faster next time!

I had a lot of 16mm eyes in this sale, and not many of the smaller sizes. This was just a coincidence, it was not done on purpose. In the future, I will try to have more small eyes available.

In the next sale, I won't photograph individual sale eyes unless they are Rare, Unique, OOAK, or otherwise special. Photographing everything simply delayed the sale too much!

There were some tech issues with stocking the eyes near the start of the sale. I think I was able to manage them pretty well, so nobody experienced any problems with them as far as I know. However, I was so busy managing the tech issues, that I was unable to update my social media with news of the sale. If you were waiting to hear news of the sale through social media, I'm so sorry! :[ Please consider getting on the mailing list, since email is a more reliable form of update!

I have a lot of awesome stuff planned for DollBakery in 2016, and I want to talk more about that soon -- but later, because I've already written too much!

Thank you again for making the In-Stock Sale such a success! 

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