News — personal update

DollBakery Hiatus Roadmap

personal update site updates

This is a basic roadmap for what's going to be going on during the hiatus. For further context, please see the last post! DOLLBAKERY ROADMAP Starting immediately: Settling any problems that may exist. For anyone with outstanding issues, they will be solved now. Fixing structural issues with the business, finally getting the work studio set up and organized, maybe even bringing in someone to help me 2B. During this phase, I will also slowly begin contacting people who are still on the waitlist and taking their orders 1 to 2 at a time. So it will be very very slow, but it...

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DollBakery is going on hiatus! Issues and explanation

personal update site update

Hello everyone, I owe a big explanation + apology to all of you.   Since not everyone who follows DollBakery speaks English as a first language, I first wrote a simple explanation for the current situation below.   Then below that, I wrote a longer rambly thought dump, where I try and sort out my personal feelings. (definitely not required reading to understand the situation, just for people who have the patience to read, and want, the full details.)   --------- SHORT ANSWER:   Because of personal health problems, DollBakery hasn't been running very well this year. I'm mostly healed...

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personal update site update

DollBakery will return later this year!

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It's 2017, time to get organized!

personal update

When a lot of order fulfillment was late in 2016, organization around DollBakery really suffered. Eyes, supplies, and tools were being randomly stuffed into bins and drawers because I didn't have the time to deal with them properly. My goal for this first part of 2017 has simply been to restore order! I've been doing a full cleaning and organization of EVERYTHING. It's going well, and I'm already feeling less stress! :D Now I'm trying to get organized on the digital side of life too.  I haven't seen the bottom of my DollBakery email inbox in years, and it gives me that constant, nagging...

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Happy New Year! Updates

in stock eyes new colors personal update unshipped orders

Happy new year from DollBakery! January Eyes of the Month are coming soon! You probably noticed that the December eyes never showed up. But you're not missing anything, they are just being released as the January eyes instead. In Stock Eyes: There will be a small number available for sale in January. Unshipped orders: There are some misc. orders in the system that still need to be shipped. I apologize for the delay, and they will be going out soon. Weather is not friendly this winter. I have a large pile of 95% finished eyes that are just sitting in a bin,...

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