June 23rd update!

friday night eyes

These eyes were added to stock tonight!

  • 20mm Smores with brown pupil (rare)
  • 16mm Silver Fox
  • 16mm Chocolate
  • 16mm Rootbeer
  • 14mm SI (small iris) Bright Gold
  • 12mm Nova

I'm finishing another big batch of eyes on Saturday morning, which should be ready to ship early next week!

I just snapped this image of Rootbeer and Chocolate in 16mm (these are the exact pairs that are offered for sale tonight.)

As you can see, Rootbeer is a very warm brown, while Chocolate has greyish, desaturated undertones (they almost remind me of driftwood colors, at the lightest points). 

What I don't think this image shows very well is the difference in surface texture -- Chocolate is more matte and silky in appearance, without sparkles or shimmer. Rootbeer, however, has a sparkly, candy-like finish, with lots of coppery sparkles.

In my opinion, Chocolate is better for realism, while Rootbeer would give you more warmth, sparkle, and glow.

Anyway, that's all for tonight! Enjoy!

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